The Mesh Network Project

The mesh network project is working to create a citizen-owned and operated network to provide internet access to the Iowa City community. ICDSA is partnering with Public Space One to establish our first hubs in the network.

This project takes inspiration from existing community mesh network projects like Freifunk and NYC Mesh.

How does it work?

Hub nodes with direct internet access will be connected to satellite sites, which provide connectivity to internet users at the site. The network is built using Ubiquiti routers running OpenWrt firmware.

Project Status

Currently we are working to create our first hub connection between the two Public Space One buildings on Gilbert St. After completing our first hub site connection we will open the network to a group of pilot users before opening the network to general public access.

Want to help?

We would love to work with you if you are interested in hosting a hub or lending your technical expertise to the project. Join the ICDSA Discord and say "hi" in the #utilities-justice or #mesh-network-tech-talk channels.